MemorySharing is a project aimed at creating a virtuous circle that revolves around three main activities: the collecting of historical material (testimonies, photographs, private diaries), sharing (both via internet and through interviews in person), story-telling ( evoking maximum creativity).
The exhibition Florence at war has provided the opportunity to work on a period of this city’s history in one of its most delicate phases. In an attempt to involve the city, its citizens are invited to share fragments of their personal memories and to piece them together.
MemorySharing in Florence takes off with the exhibition in Palazzo Medici Riccardi, by creating a meeting-place that, we hope, can become a point of reference: a workshop-space or laboratory that has come into being through the participation of those who have visited the exhibition and added a piece to the mosaic representing the history of those years.
Its collaboration with the Istituto Storico Toscano della Resistenza e dell’Età contemporanea, which goes beyond the duration of the exhibition, gives the project a decisive impetus for the collection and sharing of material concerning the period that encompasses the Second World War.
© Firenze in Guerra - http://www.firenzeinguerra.com
La riproduzione delle immagini nel sito è subordinata alla richiesta agli enti prestatori